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What Hides Beneath Poster



A Western Horror Story

Featured Episode

Vera Fowley, once known as Vera Foxkey, was headed home. Into the great unknown of roads less traveled, with only the company of her young daughter, Eliza and brother-in-law Felix. Abandoned by their trail guide, she is forced to lead them by instinct alone, with only a strange, knowing tug leading them.


About The Foxkey Chronicles

The year is 1874, and no children walk the cobbled streets of Murkwood, Texas. For going on two decades, they had been haunted and stolen into the night. Leaving behind nothing more than the sacrificial remains of their parents. The Sacrifice three. The blood of the Mother, the blood of the Father, and the Child. That is what was needed for them to become something cursed…a Whisper, lost on the wind. And with each loss, the town of Murkwood came closer and closer to the darkness hidden below. The lifeblood slowly draining from the town. Another sacrifice given to the unholy thing that is the Reverent Sun. 


The Clan made up of Foxkeys and Walkers, has long stood between the dark things of the world. They are people with the power to hold back the dark tide itself. They are the final shield standing between the demons of the West and humanity. 


Vera Fowley, once Vera Foxkey, was a mother, widow, and homeless. What she most decidedly was not was a witch. Chased by the ghosts of her past from St.Louis into the wild west of Texas, she must face her family's legacy to save her daughter and, more importantly, the world from a whole new existence filled with demons and monsters. 


She must face the demons of her past to discover the power within.


Meet the Creators



Cole Hill is the mastermind behind the creation of the Foxkey Chronicles. As the narrator, writer, and artist, she brings her dark and imaginative mind to life through her captivating storytelling.

Meet Eleana Hill, the multi-talented sound producer, story editor, writer, and voice actress behind our project. With her exceptional skills, she brings to life characters such as Vera Fowley and Ezekiel Graves.

Our mission is to accurately represent the diversity of real life a using a multitude of characters of various ages, life conditions, race, gender, and LGBTQ+ influences. We believe that everyone deserves to see themselves reflected in the stories we tell, and we strive to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.

The Hill Sisters Mission




Komario is the brilliant mind behind our opening theme song, as well as the bulk of th e music used in this work.

He is a composer and music producer with 5 years of experience.

Meet Our Musical Artists

Teppo N



Teppo is the creator behind the "Ezekiel's Song". He is a composer/producer and a professional
musician with over 20 years of experience recording and playing .

A thank you goes out to all of our sound effect providers


Darek is the musician behind our end credit theme song.

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© 2024 by Hill Sisters Productions. All music is property of  Hill Sisters Productions

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